BMW M550i 


The BMW 5 Series is the original midsize performance sedan that essentially defined the category. What’s a bit confusing is that over the years it been made into several variants, all with unique, niche branding and attributes. We drove the BMW 550i, the souped up all-wheel drive sports cars, and what you drive when you want to dash instead of mosey in all climates. The M550i gets respectful gazes at the stoplights from performance enthusiasts, which is fun to experience, and that’s because game recognizes game.

How it looks when you see it on the street: Svelte. It’s a dynamic performance car that has a more understated form.

How it makes you feel when you get in: The seats are comfortable in the BMW definition of comfort -- think firm fancy Euro mattress, not Four Seasons cushiony. 

How it drives: Nice! It hugs the road well. It’s injected with M power, ala BMW’s performance division tuning, which has been tweaked to produce 523 horsepower in 2020 model year. To put in context, 523 horsepower is wicked quick. You’ll pay a small extra premium gas price for the extra power. 

Space for people and things: A nice cavernous trunk. The backseat was roomy. I fit a baby seat inside, and couple kids, no problem. 

What else you should consider: The even more powerful BMW M5, the Audi S6, and the Mercedes-Benz AMG E53.

Pricing: $84,035